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Rommana Received The Gold RM Tool Award for

Comparison Tools

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  • Best ALM Tool
  • Best Cloud Solution
  • Best Requirement Management Tool for Business Analysis Excellence

A comprehensive analytical study of 32 commercial requirement management and ALM tools conducted by RQX Global names Rommana ALM the " Best ALM Tool ".  The study also granted Rommana ALM the highest score of 7.1 for its coverage of requirement management capabilities.

"The best tool in this category is Rommana ALM for its seamless ability to both capture and manage requirements across the project lifecycle with 100% traceability from needs analysis to test cases and scripts, to implementation and defect management. While many of the particular ALM tools assessed, tended to favor one side of the project life cycle or the other (either Planning to Requirements or Requirements to Testing), Rommana ALM was the only tool which demonstrated a remarkable consistency across the entire project life cycle. This consistency demonstrates that requirements do not start at elicitation and move forward, nor do they stop at sign-off. Instead it illustrates the point the requirements must be developed and managed across the entire project life cycle from needs analysis and project initiation, right through to testing and implementation."

Access the complete report here.